of the compulsory education program for children aged 7-12 years,
including children with special needs, requires special education
personnel for children with physical and/or mental disabilities. In
this regard, IKIP Malang (now UM) feels compelled to provide
professional educators in the field of children with special needs. For this reason, in 1984/1985 IKIP Malang began to accept functional lecturers with special education qualifications. Considering
that at that time there were no PLB majors/study programs, the
lecturers were seconded to the Department of Education Curriculum &
Technology and were given the authority to open PLB minor programs for
students within the Faculty of Education, IKIP Malang.
with the increasing public awareness of educational services for
children with disabilities or special needs, which is marked by the many
establishments of formal and non-formal educational institutions to
provide services to children with special needs, the consequences of the
need for professional human resources in the field of Special Education
are also increasing. On
that basis, the Faculty of Education, State University of Malang as a
higher education institution that has the authority to provide educators
and professional education personnel as required in the Law on Teachers
and Lecturers, as well as the regulations of the National Professional
Standards Agency, starts the 2010/2011 academic year. opened the S1
Special Education Study Program, and assigned Prof. Dr. Mohammad Efendi M.Pd, M.
Considering the future direction of institutional capacity development, based on the Rector's Decree No. 881/UN32/DT/2014
dated August 14, 2014 regarding the Improvement of the Status of the
Special Education Study Program, which was originally under the
coordination of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education (KSDP)
to be upgraded to an independent Special Education Department.
Head of the Special Education Department (transition 2014-2016), Head of the PLB S-1 Department/Prodi: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Efendi MPd., MKes., Secretary of the Department: Drs. Abdul Huda MPd., Head of PLB Laboratory: Drs. Ir. Ero Wahyuno MSi. Head of the Special Education Department for the first period (2016-2019), Head of the PLB S-1 Department/Prodi: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Efendi MPd., MKes., Secretary of the Department: Drs. Abdul Huda MPd., Head of PLB Laboratory: Dra. Wiwik Dwihastuti MPd./Dra. Sudarsini MPd. Leader of the second period of the Special Education Department (2019-2022), Head of the PLB S-1 Department / Study Program: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Efendi MPd., MKes., Secretary of the Department: Drs. Abdul Huda MPd., Head of PLB Laboratory: Drs. M. Shodiq AM MPd.. Since the 2017 academic year, the Department of Special Education, FIP UM, has opened a Master's Program in Special Education with the head of the study program, Dr.
a superior study program and a reference in the implementation of the
tridharma of higher education in the field of special education
that is highly committed
- Organizing education and learning in the field of special education that is centered on students, using
an effective, innovative, and humanist learning approach, as well as optimizing the use of technology; - Conducting research and development in the field of special education whose findings are beneficial for the development
of knowledge, improving the quality of education for children with special needs; - Organizing community service that is oriented towards empowering children with special needs through the application of special education knowledge;
- Organizing an autonomous, credible, accountable, transparent, and professional education study program that guarantees